You’re Not Racist, Just Clueless

Okay, here’s the quick backstory.  Since we the people have elected a new president, there has been a lot of tension.  A friend of mine’s had been posting a lot off the wall comments lately.  Most of the time I just scroll on by at the direction of my husband, but this one was waaaayyyyyy too much.  So the first image is the first thing I see and I was like whoa.  I couldn’t just  leave this one alone.  Below, you can see how this whole scenario played out, hence the title, you’re not racist, just clueless.

As you can see, once actual facts were presented, it was like oh this escalated.  Then one of her friends had some pretty strong opinions and stereotypical views about people of color.  The funniest one to me was that I must of had an advantage getting into college, because I’m black.  But you only know what you are taught.  In the end, I still think that people will continue to be clueless about certain issues but it was good to educate someone to show that hey not all people of certain group are all the same.  Take the time to get to know someone different than you and you’d be surprised to see the things that you may have in common.  It starts first with you to go outside your little box.