Make Time 4 Change

As each tick of the minute hand goes, each day, then week, then month, and eventually year, you are left wondering where is all the time going.  It only seemed like you were planning your New Year’s resolution and vowing that this year is going to be your year.  But you rang in the new year, fought through the snow, and now spring is here.   Soon the leaves will bloom, summer will come and go, then fall, and you’ll be starting your new resolution, which may have been your resolution for the last 4 years.  You are in disbelief that another year is a quarter over and you haven’t made the strides that you anticipated on making.  It’s ok, because it’s easy to get wrapped up in the day to day.  You may have started a job as a stepping stone, or a means to just pay back student loans or whatever the case may be.  Blink your eyes and now you’ve been with the company 10 years.  I know this personally.

My first job ever was just a summer gig while I was home from school.  My manager liked me 🙂 so every break I had from school (winter and summer), I came back.  When I graduated, like many students, I had no job, but I was also being kicked off my dad’s insurance.  During this time, you could receive benefits until 24, but had to be a full-time student.  I graduated at 22.  I needed something with bennies (what my dad called benefits).  I went back to my summer/winter break job and time passed me by. Three years, 5 years, even 8 years went by.  I did get promoted and was eventually in a management training program where I was promoted in a management position.  I eventually left in 2013, because it just wasn’t my passion, and I was hired in a job for what I studied in school.

As I look back, it didn’t seem like that many years went by, but they did.  I came in as a 19-year-old college kid, and left out a 32-year-old woman.  I don’t regret my path, because I feel everyone does have a different path.  You can end up in the exact same spot as someone, but your way there may have been different.  I do wish I was more time conscious because I never thought it would go by that fast.  Each year I would state this is my year to do something different, but I kept putting it off.  Thinking that I would have time to get to it.  I think part of it is that it is so easy to become complacent and people have the fear of not wanting to rock the boat.  Especially when you have a comfortable lifestyle, you get by, and everything is guaranteed.  It’s easy to get caught up in that because the unknown is so scary.  The x factor.  But what if you did take a leap out and just do it.  After all, nothing ventured nothing gained, right?

The point in all of this is to give that added push/motivation that you may need to want to do something outside the box whether that be starting our own business, pursuing a career in the arts, or trading stocks.  Follow your dreams.  Orchestrate an actual plan of how you plan to fulfill your goals.  Then once that has been established, you have to commit 100%.  Be all in.  Keep punching at it every day.  Remove any negative people/situations from your life.  You don’t need that dark cloud trying to rain on your parade.  Don’t become discouraged if you don’t become an overnight success.  Rome was not built in a day, so have a little more patience.  After all, you may have given your previous job 5 or 10 years of your life, you can give your dream more than 5 minutes.  Never stop grinding.  Always be learning new ways/how to improve at your craft, cause once you’re in, now you have to ensure that you stay in.  Never, ever think it’s too late to start something.  The only time it’s too late is if you are in the ground.  So go out there and get yours.  We all have the same amount of time each day, it just depends on how you utilize it.