
A Guide to Halloween

Another Halloween has come and gone. There were quite some cool and creative costumes this year. The popular new one I saw was the one with couples where the guy was the Instagram with no filter and the girl was Instagram with the filter. Of course with the popularity of ...
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My Weekend in Wakanda

My review of the movie Black Panther ...
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Becoming Your Parents

The year was 1993.  Hearing that groovy beat come on.  Then Ice Cube’s vocals come over ‘Just waking up in the morning, gotta thank God, I don’t know, but today seems kind of odd' (my heads know this, and can finish the rest of this song).  I clearly remember my ...
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Matrimony Miss

Alice and Clarence sitting in the tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.  First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Alice with the baby carriage.  This rhyme was often sung about a new couple back in the day.  However given today's market, the rhyme should be updated to say: Alice and Clarence kissing in ...
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Myths About Natural Hair

If you are reading this and have decided to go natural, congratulations and welcome to the sisterhood of naturalistas.  You have decided to let go of the need to feel incomplete without chemically altering your hair.  You have the confidence to step out without bone straight hair on your head ...
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Make Time 4 Change

As each tick of the minute hand goes, each day, then week, then month, and eventually year, you are left wondering where is all the time going.  It only seemed like you were planning your New Year’s resolution and vowing that this year is going to be your year.  But ...
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Coupon Life

We all remember going to the grocery store with our mother as a kid.  If you acted right, you may get to throw your favorite snack in the cart.  You remember mom looking to see what was on sale that week.  Then when you get to the checkout, mom would ...
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