Category Archives: Mommy chronicles

Single Babies


This video shows that children are always listening to you.  I was having a conversation on the phone and I referenced the ‘Single Ladies’ song.  He ain’t put no ring on it, uh oh ohhh.  Ariana apparently liked the uh oh ohhh sound and she just kept repeating it.  When she said that, I started doing the hand and the stutter step and she tried to mimic what I was doing.  At this point, all I could do was pull out the phone and press record.

Becoming Your Parents

The year was 1993.  Hearing that groovy beat come on.  Then Ice Cube’s vocals come over ‘Just waking up in the morning, gotta thank God, I don’t know, but today seems kind of odd’ (my heads know this, and can finish the rest of this song).  I clearly remember my mother stating, ‘that’s the Isley Brothers Footsteps in the Dark.  That ain’t new, he stole (her words) that.’  I really didn’t think about my new music sampling a classic hit.  I mean I kind of remember hearing my mom play that record (yes 12 inch vinyl!!) when I was a little kid.  I remember telling her, well Ice Cube was just making it his own.  He ain’t steal it.  And while I like the original, I preferred the new version to the original.  Same thing could be said of Ma$e Make Me Feel Good (sample of Kool and the Gang Hollywood Swingin) Notorious BIG Big Poppa (another Isley Brother’s sample, Between the Sheets), and Total Can’t You See (James Brown Payback), and other songs that were recorded in the 90’s but sampled from the 70’s.  I thought the “old people” were just being haters and living in the past.  I said it shows a sign of respect that new school is paying tribute and homage by sampling the old school.

Fast forward 20 years, to now.  When I heard the beat come on to Tory Lanez Say It, I thought they were playing If You Love Me, by Brownstone, until I heard a different voice.  Same thing with Zendaya and Chris Brown Something New, I thought it was TLC’s Creep.  In both situations, I was like, this ain’t Brownstone and this ain’t TLC.  Who is this?  They sampling my music now?  And then it dawned on me.  These songs were recorded over 20 years ago.  A generation by definition is 20 years.  The youngsters (oh my gosh did I really just say that?!) may or may not have been born yet.  They don’t really remember Biggie or Tupac ever being alive.  They may remember it being a big deal when they died, but not their life, kind of like me and Marvin Gaye.  So now the inevitable has occurred.  I am turning into my mom.

It’s 2017 and I listen mostly to satellite radio (The Groove, The Backspin, and Fly) which showcases music from the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, and early 2000’s.  I especially love the music from my junior high years (circa 94/95) through my college years (99 taking over into the 2000’s 😉 ).When I do listen to regular radio I listen mostly to V103.  Ironically now when I listen my songs are playing.  I thought they were about to play Footsteps in the Dark (Isley Brothers), but it was Today Was a Good Day (Ice Cube?!!).  I knew then at this point, everything has come full circle.  What’s old is now new again.  Even the fashion trends are coming back (bright colored crop tops, acid washed jeans, overalls, and high top fades).  But even the fashion we rocked as new in the 90’s, my parents would say, oh we did that in high school.  Everything is recycled.  But because people are biased, everyone thinks that whatever was going on during their time of growing up is the best.  It’s also natural to think that the generation after you has it easier/better because of technological advancements.  But everything in each decade was not good.  There are highlights and lowlights, but we tend to only remember the good and not the bad.  So let’s respect each other’s generation.  Everything now isn’t ‘stolen’ and the old stuff isn’t ‘bad’.  Let’s focus on the good and enjoy it together.

Why Working Moms are the Real MVP

We all know how it goes.  Whether it’s for academics, sports, music, or film/television, people’s acceptance speeches for awards follow a similar format.  Usually God is thanked first.  If it is in entertainment, the fans are thanked.  Mentors may be thanked for both academics and entertainment. Spouses/partners are thanked for their love and support.  And last but not least, parents and in particular mothers are thanked.  It’s also usually a backstory of all the struggles mom went through to get you to where you are and how you are successful because of mom.  This is one of the best compliments that a child can pay a mother.  Because of you, I am this.  Some may ask, why do mothers get all these accolades?  Here’s what it breaks down to.

Before you even know you are going to be a mom, your little grain of sand sized embryo knows that you’re their mom.  They are hearing everything you say, eating everything you eat, and listening to your heartbeat.  They are becoming so attached to you, because you are the only thing they know.  As they begin to grow and develop they can let you know that they are there by kicking and wiggling around in the womb.  Finally, when a baby is born, they get to meet the person who they’ve only heard and felt, but have never seen and instantly, both mother and child fall in love.  That feeling alone brings about new responsibility and all types of other emotions you may not have even known that you have.

The biggest adjustment with becoming a parent is not being able to do anything on your time.  A simple task like running to the store for eggs no longer exists.  If it’s not great weather, you must ensure the baby is wrapped up accordingly.  Then you must secure the baby in their car seat, and make sure that’s secure before you drive off.  Then you take them out the car, place seat in shopping cart.  You get what you need, put back in car, etc.  Also you can no longer just pick up and do stuff last minute, because you want to ensure that you have a sitter.  So if your life drastically changes like this, why become a mother you may ask.  Because it gives a type of joy that you cannot describe.  The unconditional love that a child gives is the most beautiful thing on Earth.  Which is why you would do any and everything for your child.  This leads to lots of households having to operate with two incomes in order to survive.

When you’re a working mom, after you punch out after your scheduled work day, you have to go home and punch the clock for another full time job that you are not even monetarily compensated for.  This is a job where you are always on call, and have no off days per se.  Your job as a mom when you come home after a long day of work is to tend to the household as well as to the children.  In most cases, even if a working mother is bringing home at least half of the monthly income, she is still doing more than half of the household work.  Where does the mom get this super human strength from you may ask?  Even I don’t have an answer for this.  For a mother to go to work and still come home and do more work is pretty amazing to me.  But if you know you gotta do what you gotta do, then you can rise above anything and really deliver.  You find that inner strength and pull from that.

When you become a parent, you always have a vision of how you’d like to raise your children.  You want them to have better than you.  You want them to be successful and not have to have any struggles that you may have had.  That’s why you place so much pressure on yourself to make sure your children are given the best opportunity to succeed.  But sometimes in the process, you need to take a   moment for yourself as a parent.  Moms, especially working ones, shoulder a lot of the heavy lifting.  You have to nurture as well as financially provide.  Often times, you may feel it goes unnoticed.  But just know that deep down, you are appreciated.  You may not find out until an essay or a speech, but know that it is there.  But for children and spouses/partners of these women, please acknowledge them without being prompted.  So just pick a random day to show appreciation that isn’t Mother’s Day, or your mom’s birthday.  After all, working moms, you’re the real MVP.

Life After Miscarriage

I remember experiencing the first signs of pregnancy all over again.  Now that I’ve gone through it, I notice the symptoms right away.  Sensitive to smells, always tired (I was going to bed at 7/7:30 PM!!!), and having a bread and butter pickle craving (that I ate straight from the jar).  I looked at my husband telling him yeah, I’m definitely pregnant.  After being late for 4 days, I took a home test.  It turned positive right away and it estimated I was 2-3 weeks pregnant.  The same thing happened with my daughter.  I called my doctor the next morning and was able to get an appointment for that Saturday.  He confirmed and said I was 4-6 weeks.  I was nervous, anxious, and excited because now we were expanding our family.  We were having a second child.  I already started mentally re-configuring our house.  The office/extra bedroom would now be the kids’ room.  I also mentally calculated the money I could save before the baby’s arrival (early August 2017).  Since I was now a pro, I was going to do everything right this time around.  Eat nutritious foods from the jump, exercise 3 times a week, practice yoga for pregnancy, and just really take care of myself.  This went on for about a week.  Then the following Sunday, it came to a screeching halt.

I was about to go to bed and my husband noticed I had spotted on the couch.  I didn’t want to become overly concerned because sometimes that happens at the beginning.  But it did make me do a Google search on my phone.  I was trying to remain calm, but I continued to spot.  Eventually I started to bleed like a light period.  I left work early the next day and called my doctor.  I went into his office and when he checked me, he gave me news that an expectant mother does not want to hear.  He told me that my body was trying to miscarry and that I had a 60/40 chance of the baby surviving past the first trimester.  At this point, I’m trying to hold it together, but I was already preparing for the worst.  I had to get a stat ultrasound.  Nothing could really be seen.  The next day, I am placed on doing blood work every other day to see if the pregnancy hormone is still present.  I return to work trying to keep it together, but feeling like the worst was going to happen any day.

While at work on a day where we were having our end of the year holiday party, I believe I miscarried in the bathroom, right before all the festivities took place.  I was alone when it happened.  I remember feeling so upset at myself.  Wondering why me, what did I do wrong?  But we were having a party, so I went on as if everything was fine.  The next day, I had another party to attend and I still went on as if everything was fine.  Then the next day (Sunday), I guess my body was over everything, because I was very sick.  I went to the ER that night and I received the confirmation that I in fact had miscarried.  They said what I saw Friday was probably the fetus.  I went home that night extremely disappointed.  Even though my doctor had prepared me and even after seeing what I saw on Friday, you still hope and pray for a miracle to happen.  I was thinking how did this happen and why did it happen to me?  What did I do wrong?  Did I jinx myself by announcing it to more than the few that I had announced it to for my daughter?  Should I have not been trying to do the exercising until after my first trimester?  Did me stressing out about personal things take the ultimate toll on me?  These were all questions that raced through my mind.  It’s so funny how you can say the words and be a support system for someone else, but when it comes to yourself, you can’t build yourself up the same way.  I’ve been holding in my tears because I don’t want to break down and cry, but if I can’t stop them from falling, I’m just going to let them down.  And on top of all of this, we were trying to prepare our daughter who’ll be 2 in March that she’s going to be a big sister.  So, because we showed her where the baby is, she’s still saying baby and trying to gently rub my stomach.  Then an unexpected support came through.

I was scrolling through Facebook and while looking at my timeline, one of the many groups I’m in had a video pop up that had the words miscarriage.  When I read the post, it was from someone who had one years ago, and had been unable to conceive since then.  She was asking for support from other women who may have been in her same position.  The video she posted with her written words was a compilation of celebrities (Beyoncé, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Lisa Ling, Pink, Lindsey Lohan, and Giuliana Rancic) who were talking about their miscarriages.  The video was saying let’s support women and not make them feel ashamed.  It’s about normalizing miscarriages and stop making them taboo.  This is why I have written this blog.  Me not saying anything is keeping it hidden, like something you should not discuss, but talking about it humanizes it.  So let’s support out mothers and fathers to be who have experienced this.